The 2019 Annual meeting and Gathering at the Riverland Field Site at Barmera South Australia, will be soon be upon us May 2 to May 6, 2019.The 2019 Annual meeting and Gathering at the Riverland Field Site at Barmera South Australia, will be soon be upon us May 2 to May 6, 2019This is a good chance for us southern members to attend and be part of this event. Next year the AGM will move north.The site is on the Sturt Highway between Barmera and Monash South Australia. Grassed camping area, power and water, toilets and showers for $15 per night per vehicle.Very good facilities to hold our meetings and sessions during the event.The program is being finalised and will include radio sessions, the future of radio and new equipment, guest speakers, local interest and good fun.Meet new friends and rekindle old friendships, plenty of covered areas.Barmera township is 5 kms away
At the Saturday night dinner, the Codan Envoy raffle will be drawn value $4,880.00. please check the club website If you require a ticket.The Envoy radio has been kindly donated by Codan and the proceeds from the raffle are split half to the HFRC and half to the Variety Club of South Australia.The Variety Club monies goes to kids with cancer.Monies the HFRC receives from the raffle will be used to help enable our bases to better serve our members.More information will be forthcoming as the program is finalised.If you would like more information, please contact me. I live at Renmark just up the road from Barmera.Hope to see you at Barmera
Regards Bruce Morris2019 Barmera Gathering co-ordinatorHFRC 1567Don't Forget
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